These scientiest made a very genuine mechanism, through its efficiency they able to reverse the malignant Alz-Heimer's symptomes. This medicine can make a connection with the brain-cells, due to the animal-tests, it prooved appropriate opportunity. Scientist are in great hope that they can testing on human side too as soon as possible.

Medicine is blocking enzimes, which are blamable to cause brain-placks (placks contain calcium, lard eq) have enormous and key-role in the evolvation of Alz-Heimer. If everything goes well, this medicine will be available in trading circulation in 10 years. The question is, whether the medicine is able to get through the human blood-brain-hurdle. When the medicine was directly injected in brains of rats, the consequence was a telling decreasing of the volume of brainplacks (the number of placks were eliminated with 50 percentage in 4 hours).