Bait-mechanism in DNA
If we want to face with these sassy disease, we must cope with our wide opened eyes. As we know long time, there are cancer cells which resist radiotherapy, but, there is a bait opportunity. Like in fishing, when our lovely and consummate stripling kid with all knowledgement we need, so he come to us and help to bait, feeding to setting up the target… but all we know, the major reason is that our adorable but discontended housewife will be satisfied with (every moments in a men’s life is about to this) But, take for instance these bait-mechanism during the explanation the newest possibility in cancer research.
As i mentioned, there are cells, which highly resistents to ray-treatments. But, now, franche-researchers developed so-called bait-molecules and they conduce to start an apoptosis (self-extermination) process of these cells.
Cancer can believe, for God sake
The aim of chemotherapy and ray-treatment is to destroy cancered cells. One of the most efficient method to hinder the cancered cells’ reproduction is when erudites try to generate ’fractures’ on DNA spiral. But, some cells are able to regenerate itself, and this was the biggest problem until nowadays. These cells are shrewd, intelligent, and they watch the extent of its damage. And this is the key, because when they believe that, this damage is too enormous to can regenerate, they voluntarily choose self-extermination (apoptosis). And that is we want to not Carmen Elektra (i must confess, i don’t want Elektre, a want a real superbly Woman in sexy hearty-lingerie).
Marie Dutreix and his research team has created this ’god’ bait-molecule, which is capable enough to make these cells believe their damage-grade is too much and say good bye or ja mata. The belief is not real, but necessery to achieve apoptosis through this programmed cells-death way.
Bait-molecules block the regeneration-ability of cancered cells. Matter of fact, these molecules are little DNA-sections, and can cause fractures in two filament of the cancer-DNA. And eventuelly these cells like hell are urging themselves to choose the benign extermination. This is triumphant for mankind.
Bait-molecules have already prooved its effectivity on rats and mice. According to the experiments, this method is contribute with 75-100 percantage to destroy (in case of melanom and brain-cancer) trissues without any side effects.
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