Befor I make an "in medias res" beginning, I would like to share some private information about the preliminary circumstances of this post. I met with an invaluable girl three months ago. She has true friends, and one of them had decided with her brother that they use their consummate knowledges in medical sphere and take a leap and provide services for people suffering from cardiovascular problems. This is very important, I have been reading the Science and Nature since long time. Every cardiovascular-related column inform us about nowadays more early deaths are related to cardiovascular events (like stroke and heart attack) than any other causes altogether. Although there are devices for detecting late stage, irreversible cardiovascular diseases, the real, silent cause of them, arterial stiffness have not easily been detectable yet.
Breakthrough in Early Diagnosis of Arteriosclerosis
The TensioClinic Arteriograph analyses the cardiovascular system from five highly important aspects to assure Comprehensive Cardiovascular Risk Assessment. Measuring Central and Peripheral Blood Pressure, Arterial Stiffness (PWV & AIx), Cardiac fitness and considering Classical Cardiovascular Risk Stratification (Framingham, SCORE), Arteriograph enables detecting the real, individual risk even at the early, reversible stage. Numerous EU references are available for reinforcing the significance of this unique screening device, which is also ideal for evaluating the efficiency of applied cardiovascular therapy and for follow up of diabetic patients, too.
Unimedic Limited:
early non-invasive diagnosis of subclinical atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis, screening by Arteriograph, measuring arterial stiffness i.e. Augmentation index AIx, Pulse Wave Velocity PWV, Central Systolic Blood Pressure SBPao and cardiac fitness, arterial function evaluation; Framingham and SCORE classical risk stratification, comprehensive cardiovascular risk assessment, prevention of vascular endothel dysfunction, hypertension, myocardial infarction, heart attack, plaques, stroke and coronary heart disease.Recommend to gain more!