Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Doctors and the Web

As we well know, pharmaceutical industry has been spending

enormous volumen of money on online marketing.

According to the statement from TNS Media Intelligence the world biggest medicinemaker firm, Pfizer Inc. spent 65 million dollar in period between january and september 2006. And naturally, the spending ablility and willingness were growing during the last years until nowadays, when a new historically juncture has arised.

There are some missbelief that we have to re-consider in connection with pharma industry on Internet.

1. "doctors are not surfing on the Internet so much" - it's baloney. Survies and another datas showed that 82% of oncologists, 60% of psychiatrists, 54% of neurologists, and last but not least 68% of cardiologists use the internet regularly.

2. "it's difficult to reach doctors on the Internet" - it's simply not true. As a result of mentioned missbelief, doctors are available ont he Internet. They are quastionable, we can share our problems, dubious asks and opinions. Numerous portal are running with the aim of online webdoctoring. These sites are able to bring leading edge technology to enhance your medical information experience. We can find all of our medical answers and needs right there. These sites are formed like any other forums. Take for instance ;

3. „Those doctors who use Internet are allways looking for non-professional columns and stuffs” – i can assure you, they do such a thing, but another things too.

Did you know physicians are more likely than consumers to use the web and other technologies to access information? A new white paper from Manhattan Research,

‘Physician and the Web 2.0’

, states that

physicians are embracing Web 2.0 technologies

-- podcasting, social media networks, online video, blogs -- in large numbers. In fact, the study notes that more than 25,000 physicians are actively reading and posting to blogs and more than 80,000 doctors participate in online communities. For these physicians, the online landscape is evolving into an interactive forum for information sharing and education. And it’s not just the young docs who grew up on the Internet -- the report notes that an older generation of more experienced physicians want to share their ideas through this new interactive medium.

Think of all the innovative ways you can share health, medical and treatment information with physicians. Evolve your marketing strategies to make your information portable and available in new formats. Now is the time, because your doctor is more than just online.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Oldschool and The New One

In the course of applying newest supplementary medicine people can prevent the brain-catastrophy with a better probability, be more accurate, people can abate the risk of brain-catastrophy. It was the theme of the European Heart-therapeutists Congress 2008 in München.

The research-team has been carrying out a speciel examination for long time. With the involvment of more than 4600 patient the erudites were led to the conclusion – patients stem from 550 different hospital, 36 countries – that in the case of brain-catastrophy-prone people, the artium fibrallation is in an unnormal konstellation.

Stuart J. Conolly said, during the probe, there was a random choosing methode, thus researchers formed 2 group. One group has been treated by the well-knowned medicines, another one was treated by the same way, with the difference, that they also got the newest medicine, called dronedarone. All patient were ranked in the high-risks group. They have extremely serious problems with their cardiovascular-system.

The outcome?

The prone for the brain-catastrophy could curb with 34 percentage from those patient who were treated by dronedarone too. An intrinsic note, they used an appropriate thrombotic-proof medicine too.

We are looking for the using of this medicine, hope, it will sooner than we can think…

Friday, July 25, 2008

Prostate-cancer and the Hope

prostate cancer; prostate cancer research

Erudites think they almost have an efficient answear for the most deadly cancer-type from which men are suffering nowdays. As We (unfortunately) know, the aggressive prostate-cancer is lethal and the most harmful type of some of cancer-types. More than 10 thousand people per annum have to face with the deadly cancer only in the United Kingdom. It is so stern, and aggressive, so far the chemotherapy was a little hope-ray, but as it comes to light the chemotherapy merely can provides a little bit longer life.

prostate cancer alternative treatment

In turn, research workers might take control of its hormon-making mechanism. According to facts, tumors can expanse and broaden theirs territory because of testosterone. But, so far, they don’t recognize that tumor can produce testosterone too, that is to say, they can be treated as a self-sufficient killers, tumor can trigger its expansion.

Now, prospectors developed a new medicine – Albiraterone - which is in testing-phase, but its achivements are promising. It could be the cure against the aggressive prostate-cancer. Cliniq-investigations have showed that it works in 80 percentage of all cases.

How does it work? Albiraterone as an antimatter is able to block the producing mechanism of testosteron of tumors. As far as erudites concerned, its effectiveness is enough to hope it will be the solvation. So far, they managed tests on 1200 voluntary-patient, among the candidates there were a lots of people who have been reporting about positive progress.

According to the test of Journal of Clinical Oncology,shrinkings of tumors were obviously, and the volume of emissed protein were unambiguously moderated.

There is a HOPE. But, naturally, we have to wait, until the full of tests, and side effects will be known, and then… hope becomes fact.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Coping with Alzheimer

Erudites developed a new medicine, which may reverse the Alz-Heimer process.

These scientiest made a very genuine mechanism, through its efficiency they able to reverse the malignant Alz-Heimer's symptomes. This medicine can make a connection with the brain-cells, due to the animal-tests, it prooved appropriate opportunity. Scientist are in great hope that they can testing on human side too as soon as possible.

Medicine is blocking enzimes, which are blamable to cause brain-placks (placks contain calcium, lard eq) have enormous and key-role in the evolvation of Alz-Heimer. If everything goes well, this medicine will be available in trading circulation in 10 years. The question is, whether the medicine is able to get through the human blood-brain-hurdle. When the medicine was directly injected in brains of rats, the consequence was a telling decreasing of the volume of brainplacks (the number of placks were eliminated with 50 percentage in 4 hours).

Thursday, February 7, 2008

DermaVir Bandage Against AIDS

There are so many serious virus, bacteria all over the World evolved, emitted, designed by many different ways (im writing in this way, 'cause people can estabilish deadly by voracious inhuman behaviorism).

AIDS, this 4 words mean a lot for those who got contact with this virulent contagion, or keeping their eyes open and watching the news. According to the European Commission, more and more people get infection year by year, especielly from the range of 15 - 25 age, and the survey added: this is among heterosexual people. So far as im concerned, this means that in the age class of juvenile, teenage this is very partycular problem. They do not care enough of themselves, they do not be enough prudence.

Thousands of people in pharmaceutical sector have been trying to develope a new medicine, a new prodecure in the last decade to ward off this deadly infection.

In Hungary, an atomic ray of hopeness has sparked in the course of estabilishing a new bandage - called aids bandage - against this volarious epidemic. The new solid opportunity against AIDS experimented by Professor Julianna Lisziewicz in United States will be introduced and available in 4-5 years. There are not any other similar medicine in the World with the effectiveness of this so-called therapy vaccine bandage, Professor Julianna said.

This is not mainly a preventive mechanism, this has to be used during the illness, as a treatment. In Practise the bandage is stinked to the back of people, where the vaccine yielded by DNA of HIV virus reaches Langerhans-cells. Cells are discovering the active substance of DermaVir (this is the name of medicine) and they get its encoded information travelled to lymph node, this process is inducing killer-cells which devour infected cells.

This method is safe for people, it was proofed by many tests.