Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Doctors and the Web

As we well know, pharmaceutical industry has been spending

enormous volumen of money on online marketing.

According to the statement from TNS Media Intelligence the world biggest medicinemaker firm, Pfizer Inc. spent 65 million dollar in period between january and september 2006. And naturally, the spending ablility and willingness were growing during the last years until nowadays, when a new historically juncture has arised.

There are some missbelief that we have to re-consider in connection with pharma industry on Internet.

1. "doctors are not surfing on the Internet so much" - it's baloney. Survies and another datas showed that 82% of oncologists, 60% of psychiatrists, 54% of neurologists, and last but not least 68% of cardiologists use the internet regularly.

2. "it's difficult to reach doctors on the Internet" - it's simply not true. As a result of mentioned missbelief, doctors are available ont he Internet. They are quastionable, we can share our problems, dubious asks and opinions. Numerous portal are running with the aim of online webdoctoring. These sites are able to bring leading edge technology to enhance your medical information experience. We can find all of our medical answers and needs right there. These sites are formed like any other forums. Take for instance ;

3. „Those doctors who use Internet are allways looking for non-professional columns and stuffs” – i can assure you, they do such a thing, but another things too.

Did you know physicians are more likely than consumers to use the web and other technologies to access information? A new white paper from Manhattan Research,

‘Physician and the Web 2.0’

, states that

physicians are embracing Web 2.0 technologies

-- podcasting, social media networks, online video, blogs -- in large numbers. In fact, the study notes that more than 25,000 physicians are actively reading and posting to blogs and more than 80,000 doctors participate in online communities. For these physicians, the online landscape is evolving into an interactive forum for information sharing and education. And it’s not just the young docs who grew up on the Internet -- the report notes that an older generation of more experienced physicians want to share their ideas through this new interactive medium.

Think of all the innovative ways you can share health, medical and treatment information with physicians. Evolve your marketing strategies to make your information portable and available in new formats. Now is the time, because your doctor is more than just online.