Monday, August 10, 2009

H1N1 in the view of Festivals

One of the largest sommer festival is the hungarian SZIGET Festival. It will begin tonight in the Hajógyári sziget, and ends at 15th of August.

The mass that will be there has to be protected from the new culminating , called H1N1 which has been never circulated amongs human. Therefor it is good to be acquainted with the person-to-person spreading ability of this dangerous virus.

The background of the H1N1

H1N1 is a new influenza virus, we are emphasing: new, which is being spread all over the world. In some cases it can be unpleasant. Its major symptoms are the following: fever, dry cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills, runny nose and extreme fatigue, sometimes vomiting and diarrhoea. It is easy to catch through the following ways:
- handshaking: The influenza virus attaches easily to your fingers and areas such as door handles and may be contracted when you shake hands.
- coughing, sneezing: by this way the influenza can get into the bend of your arm

That’s why we recommend to avoid covering your mouth with your arms, and washing them often, even if you have a norvegian-fishery arms, which are resisting to anything bad things. It can be recommended if you use some alcohol-based cleaning stuff, outside and inside (beer-yeah).

The vaccine

When the mankind faces with similar pandemic challenges they try to figure out which alternative is the best way to subdue the attacker. The vaccine proved the best way. In Hungary, the new vaccine production is urged and WHO has been investigates the safety concerns of it and didn’t find any of them. In the end of September will available the new vaccine, at that time will be approved its release.

Sziget Commando

Sziget commando has been estabilished to fend off the new influenza. Sziget’s Health Service is ready to take a leap to the precaution measures when the situation needs. They stocked with some medicine, but in the case of direct observation of H1N1’s symptomes a helicopter will deliver the patients to the László Szent Hospital, and every ill-people will be reported to the National Epidemiology Centre.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Innovative milieu

I've just been writing in co-work a study about science and technology policy, referring to its opportunities and performances on higher education. It is in tight connection with innovation and research and development processes and theories. Ultimately, with the economic growth theories. Nowadays there is a broadly accepted, consencual view that the knowledge based society can be the best way to subdue the fiercy global competition.

After "Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy"

Once upon a time, the writer of "Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy" entitled book, Joseph A. Schumpeter said that the innovation is important and can trigger / just for You ;-) / the potential growth rates. In order to some way we get us to be innovative, and have innovative milieu we have lots of formations, and incentives method.

Numerous researcher's study suggest that we have to concentrate our resources, and estabilish business networks and clusters with higher education systems.

For a long time, the applied and basic research works did'nt get the right emphases, but now, the European Union has revealed its programs, and the resented lack of basic research's focus will be more important in the future.

Specific example

European Cancer Cluster (ECC) Partnering 2009 event

The Cancer-Bio-Health Cluster and the Oslo Cancer Cluster are organising the European Cancer Cluster (ECC) Partnering 2009 event to take place on 3 and 4 September in Toulouse, France.

The event will bring together business representatives, investors and scientists from the fields of diagnostics, therapeutics, drug delivery, medical devices and medical imaging.

Keynote speeches, presentations and discussion roundtables will address such topics as:
- evaluating the oncology industry;
- building partnerships with investors;
- the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI).

Beyond that, the aim is to build a 'Europe of the cancer clusters' and to support companies, spin-offs, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and large pharmaceutical enterprises in building new partnerships.

For further information, please visit this.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Discover the Unimedic opportunities

Befor I make an "in medias res" beginning, I would like to share some private information about the preliminary circumstances of this post. I met with an invaluable girl three months ago. She has true friends, and one of them had decided with her brother that they use their consummate knowledges in medical sphere and take a leap and provide services for people suffering from cardiovascular problems. This is very important, I have been reading the Science and Nature since long time. Every cardiovascular-related column inform us about nowadays more early deaths are related to cardiovascular events (like stroke and heart attack) than any other causes altogether. Although there are devices for detecting late stage, irreversible cardiovascular diseases, the real, silent cause of them, arterial stiffness have not easily been detectable yet.

Breakthrough in Early Diagnosis of Arteriosclerosis

The TensioClinic Arteriograph analyses the cardiovascular system from five highly important aspects to assure Comprehensive Cardiovascular Risk Assessment. Measuring Central and Peripheral Blood Pressure, Arterial Stiffness (PWV & AIx), Cardiac fitness and considering Classical Cardiovascular Risk Stratification (Framingham, SCORE), Arteriograph enables detecting the real, individual risk even at the early, reversible stage. Numerous EU references are available for reinforcing the significance of this unique screening device, which is also ideal for evaluating the efficiency of applied cardiovascular therapy and for follow up of diabetic patients, too.

Unimedic Limited:

early non-invasive diagnosis of subclinical atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis, screening by Arteriograph, measuring arterial stiffness i.e. Augmentation index AIx, Pulse Wave Velocity PWV, Central Systolic Blood Pressure SBPao and cardiac fitness, arterial function evaluation; Framingham and SCORE classical risk stratification, comprehensive cardiovascular risk assessment, prevention of vascular endothel dysfunction, hypertension, myocardial infarction, heart attack, plaques, stroke and coronary heart disease.

Recommend to gain more!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Vulpine molecules to force cancered cells for self-annihilation

Nowadays, when we can see ongoing bailouts all over the World, strictly in economically way, we do not have to sojourn a lot with this crisis, because this economic juncture is not comparable with human cancer crisis. Economic slowdown, breakdown or whatever we call it, some beauty day will reach its end, but cancer in human body is about to be insurmontable thing, which doesn’t say good bye when it has raved itself out.

Bait-mechanism in DNA

If we want to face with these sassy disease, we must cope with our wide opened eyes. As we know long time, there are cancer cells which resist radiotherapy, but, there is a bait opportunity. Like in fishing, when our lovely and consummate stripling kid with all knowledgement we need, so he come to us and help to bait, feeding to setting up the target… but all we know, the major reason is that our adorable but discontended housewife will be satisfied with (every moments in a men’s life is about to this) But, take for instance these bait-mechanism during the explanation the newest possibility in cancer research.

As i mentioned, there are cells, which highly resistents to ray-treatments. But, now, franche-researchers developed so-called bait-molecules and they conduce to start an apoptosis (self-extermination) process of these cells.

Cancer can believe, for God sake

The aim of chemotherapy and ray-treatment is to destroy cancered cells. One of the most efficient method to hinder the cancered cells’ reproduction is when erudites try to generate ’fractures’ on DNA spiral. But, some cells are able to regenerate itself, and this was the biggest problem until nowadays. These cells are shrewd, intelligent, and they watch the extent of its damage. And this is the key, because when they believe that, this damage is too enormous to can regenerate, they voluntarily choose self-extermination (apoptosis). And that is we want to not Carmen Elektra (i must confess, i don’t want Elektre, a want a real superbly Woman in sexy hearty-lingerie).

Marie Dutreix and his research team has created this ’god’ bait-molecule, which is capable enough to make these cells believe their damage-grade is too much and say good bye or ja mata. The belief is not real, but necessery to achieve apoptosis through this programmed cells-death way.

Bait-molecules block the regeneration-ability of cancered cells. Matter of fact, these molecules are little DNA-sections, and can cause fractures in two filament of the cancer-DNA. And eventuelly these cells like hell are urging themselves to choose the benign extermination. This is triumphant for mankind.

Bait-molecules have already prooved its effectivity on rats and mice. According to the experiments, this method is contribute with 75-100 percantage to destroy (in case of melanom and brain-cancer) trissues without any side effects.

For more information for enthusiastic-readers:

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Good Interaction between Cancer Research and Transplantation

However, Yesterday We have a big mulled wine party, now, im ready to share with you an intresting news in the light of:

"can it happen ? good side effect of a cancer-medicine" theme.

And yes, i hope mulled wine can eliminate malignant cells too.

Transplantation and bortezomib

According to the Transplantation expert magazine, We are luckily living in our Globus, which has a "bortezomib" concoction with positiv side effect for those who previously were operated with transplantation.

New vaccine, decreasing antibody

This new vaccine was tested by six people, where kidneys were rejected their bodies. But with the usage of this vaccine experten and physicians could ward the rejection process off, and at last, it stopped. Every time they used this product, the rejection-process stopped, and they could successfully decrease the antibody production.

The fact that, this way could be a better than ever in the treatment of transplantation and autoimmune diseases.

A couple years before, bortezomib considerably contributed to the treatment of myeloma multiplex. This concoction is a so-called: proteasoma-inhibitor.

How does it works?

There are cells, and in these cells we can find materials we wanted to be demolished. Well, at first, these have to face with ubikvitin proteinpack. Just like an deadly kiss, namely, after this romantic affair, the protein is willing to walk into one of those incinerator (proteasoma) which are existing that place. And than, it will be demolished by ensimcomplexes.

Bortezomib can block proteasomes in malignant cells.

Good way,

My way, or the highway - singing Fred Durst, it's just a question.