Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Global Medicine Market Has Slightly Accelerated In 2006

According to the estimates of the last year throughout the World the value of the sold article of the chemists was 643 billion $, and it eclipsed the former value with 7 percentage – coming to light from the last released analysis of the IHS.

The measure of the medicine consumption is rising by far the biggest value: for instance it was 13 percantage in Latin-American region, and the market expanded with tenth in the Asian, African region.

In China, the market expansion showed a little deceleration: the market grew with eighth, it was a backlog compared with the last years.

The turnover of the pharmaceutical articles raised with 8,3 percantage in the U.S, it was the greatest value among the developed countries, due to the adjustment of the financial system.
In Europe the market has been slowing further, due to the gaining upon of the generic medicine.
The consumption was damping nearly 1 percant in Japan.

As for the product lines, the cholesterol-reducing, fatty acid controller are in greatest demand, in last year, they are purchased in 35,2 billion $ throughout the World.

1 comment:

prodigy said...

Cool column, but i think the data has been changed since that publication. But, i must confess honestly, this is the industry which shows a very fast improvement, and as we know, the global economy is affected by this sector, and its technology.

lets do it further,